eco chair 13

furniture design

School year was over, but not the eco chair.

I was changing my location to more greener place.

And more primitive working conditions – dad’s garage!


I made a mockup from something I could find there for testing dimensions, positions of the horizontal details, proportions & ergonomics. The mockup was totally adjustable, I liked it!



Somebody said  that it looks like a new grilling machine…

eco chair 12

furniture design

When I had a drawing, I wanted to try something real in scale 1:1 – where I can sit & test dimensions and angles. There was only 1 week left until the end of the study year. Wood workshop masters suggested me to try turning the wood instead of mockup. So, I did.


This was the amount of solid birch needed.


Tuning using the turning-copy machine. 


Turned details for the chair. My first experience in doing this!


Innovative way, how to connect details – tape! Ok, I just wanted to check the dimensions without spoiling details…