eco chair 14

furniture design


If there is a saying that best friends are those, who are to with you in hardest times, than I have a new saying – best cousins are those who are ready to go with you to cut reed in the lake. Like Ansis.

It took quite a while to find accessible reed! Mostly they grow in the middle of the lake.


If our Granddad would know how we are using his scythe…






Smelled lake…


Taking home !

eco chair 2

furniture design

So, my first eco seat ideas were these:


Using just one piece of the plank of wood & economical pattern of cutting.  No waste, low tech, mountable. Almost DIY.


Using a bunch of reed, that creates needed conditions for sitting.

As the eco seat is also a study task at TaiK, both ideas I was discussing with my teachers & fellow students. Everybody agreed that the 1st idea is too usual, so the 2nd one seemed to be the way to go.

eco chair 1

furniture design

Eco seat or chair is quite trendy thing.

There are many views to the ECO solutions. Creating my eco furniture means not just create a working piece of furniture, but also to express my attitude towards this issue.

What can be more ecological seat than just a rock or a stump of a tree?


God is a super-eco-designer.

Is it worth to design a new seat?

Nobody can succeed without trying.